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Reusable workflows on GitHub

Reusable workflows cannot currently be used as the workflow in a trusted publisher. This is a practical limitation, and is being tracked in warehouse#11096.


PyPI currently imposes ratelimits on trusted publisher registration: no more than 100 publishers can be registered by a single user or IP address within a 24 hour window.

This should be more than sufficient for most users (since publisher registration should happen rarely relative to publisher use), but maintainers with large numbers of projects or who access PyPI via a shared IP address may run into ratelimiting errors. If this happens to you, please wait 24 hours, try again, and then contact PyPI's admins if the problem persists.

Token minting

Here's a quick enumeration of errors you might see from the mint-token endpoint:

  • not-enabled: this indicates that PyPI's backend has disabled OIDC entirely. You should not see this message during normal operation, unless PyPI's admins have decided to disable OIDC support.
  • invalid-payload: the OIDC token payload submitted to the mint-token endpoint is not formatted correctly. The payload must be a JSON serialized object, with the following layout:
  "token": "oidc-token-here"

No other layouts are supported.

  • invalid-payload with unknown trusted publishing issuer error: the OIDC provider that generated the token is not supported. This can happen when using a self-managed GitLab instance, since currently only projects hosted on are supported.
  • invalid-token: the OIDC token itself is either formatted incorrectly, has an invalid signature, is expired, etc. This encompasses pretty much any failure mode that can occur with an OIDC token (which is just a JWT) before it's actually matched against a publisher.
  • invalid-pending-publisher and invalid-publisher: the OIDC token itself is well-formed (and has a valid signature), but doesn't match any known (pending) OIDC publisher. This likely indicates a mismatch between the OIDC publisher specified in the user/project settings and the claims represented in the actual OIDC token. Check for typos! If you're using GitHub Actions, check if the workflow is using the same environment as configured when the publisher was configured on PyPI.
  • invalid-publisher for a previously-working project: this usually indicates a typo or that something has changed on either side. One example we've seen is when a source repository is renamed, and the configration on PyPI continues to use the old repository name. For GitHub, check that the repository_owner, repository and workflow filename values are the same on both sides.

Upload errors

When using a pending publisher to create a new project, you may run into an error like this:

Non-user identities cannot create new projects. This was probably caused by
successfully using a pending publisher but specifying the project name
incorrectly (either in the publisher or in your project's metadata).
Please ensure that both match.

This means that the pending publisher created the project successfully, but the project name supplied in the upload's metadata does not match it. This can happen if either the pending publisher's project name or the metadata's was mistyped or otherwise mistakenly entered.

For example, a project that specifies a python-example in its metadata but is registered as example in the pending publisher will cause this error.

To fix this, you must determine which of the two names is the correct one:

  • If the name used in the pending publisher is the correct one, then you must update your project metadata to reflect that name. Subsequent uploads with the trusted publisher will work automatically, and no further action is required.

  • If the name used in the project metadata is the correct one, then you must:

  • Go to your projects and delete the incorrectly created project. This will also have the effect of deleting the incorrectly registered trusted publisher.

  • Create a new pending publisher with the corrected project name.

The next upload will create the project with the expected name, and subsequent uploads will also work as expected.