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Upload API

The API endpoint served at is Warehouse's emulation of the legacy PyPI upload API. This is the endpoint that tools such as twine use to upload distributions to PyPI.


Upload a file


Releases on PyPI are created by uploading one file at a time.

The first file uploaded of a new version creates a release for that version, and populates its metadata.

Route: POST

The upload API can be used to upload artifacts by sending a multipart/form-data POST request with the following fields:

  • :action set to file_upload
  • protocol_version set to 1
  • content with the file to be uploaded and the proper filename (i.e. my_foo_bar-4.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl)
  • One of the following hash digests:
    • md5_digest set to the md5 hash of the uploaded file in urlsafe base64 with no padding
    • sha256_digest set to the SHA2-256 hash in hexadecimal
    • blake2_256_digest set to the Blake2b 256-bit hash in hexadecimal
  • filetype set to the type of the artifact, i.e. bdist_wheel or sdist
  • When used with bdist_wheel for filetype, pyversion must be set to a specific release, i.e. cp36, when used with sdist it must be set to source
  • metadata_version, name and version set according to the Core metadata specifications
  • attestations can be set to a JSON array of attestation objects. PyPI will reject the upload if it can't verify each of the supplied attestations.
  • You can set any other field from the Core metadata specifications All fields need to be renamed to lowercase and hyphens need to replaced by underscores. So instead of "Description-Content-Type" the field must be named "description_content_type". Note that adding a field "Description-Content-Type" will not raise an error but will be silently ignored.